Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Create Your Daily Personal Growth Schedule

Create Your Daily Personal Growth Schedule
By Brian Tracy

There are seven disciplines you must develop if you want to achieve all that is possible for you. You can learn these disciplines through practice and repetition until they become automatic.

1.Goal Setting
Every morning, take three to five minutes to write out your top goals in the present tense. Get a spiral notebook for this purpose. By writing out your ten goals at the beginning of each day, you will program them deep into your subconscious mind.

This daily goal writing will activate your mental powers. It will stimulate your mind and make you more alert. Throughout the day, you will see opportunities and possibilities to move more rapidly toward your goals.

2.Planning and Organizing
Take a few minutes, preferably the night before, to plan out every activity of the coming day. Always work from a list. Always think on paper. This is one of the most powerful and important disciplines of all for high performance.

3.Concentration on your Highest-Value Activities
Your ability to work single-mindedly on your most important task will contribute as much to your success as any other discipline you can develop.

4.Exercise and Proper Nutrition
Your health is more important than anything else. By disciplining yourself to exercise regularly and to eat carefully, you will promote the highest possible levels of health and fitness throughout your life.

5.Learning and Growth
Your mind is like a muscle. If you don't use it, you lose it. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.

6.Time for Important People in Your Life
Relationships are everything. Be sure that in climbing the ladder of success, you do not find it leaning against the wrong building. Build time for your relationships into every day, no matter how busy you get.

7.Time for Important People in Your Life
These seven disciplines will ensure that you perform at the highest level and get the greatest satisfaction and results from everything you do. Study these seven disciplines and then make a plan for how you can incorporate each of them into your daily life.

Thank you Sir, I will.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Resolusi 2010

Alhamdulillah kita memasuki tahun baru dengan selamat dan tak kurang suatu apa.
Hiruk pikuk bermacet ria , gebyar kembang api, bakar-bakaran telah selesai dilakukan setelah itu apa yang akan kita lakukan? everything back to normal, yes normal life.
Umur bertambah, usia berkurang, dasawarsa pertama Y2k sudah lewat kini memasuki dasawarsa kedua apa yang sudah kita perbuat?

Ya!! pertanyaan ini sekarang saya pertanyakan kepada diri saya sendiri? apa yang sudah saya perbuat?. Untuk anak istri sudahkah kita memberi yang terbaik untuk mereka?, untuk keluarga besar dari saya?, dari istri?, untuk lingkungan sekitar kita?
untuk bangsa dan negara ini? wah berat amat ya bahasanya!!

Jadi resolusi yang kita buat seharusnya meliputi aspek-aspek tersebut juga yang terpenting adalah aspek pribadi kita, misalnya menurunkan berat badan! (ini mah diri sendiri kali!).

Resolusi saya untuk tahun 2010 ini adalah:
*Gak ada lagi hutang(maaf ya kalo ada yang masih punya hutang sama saya)
*menurunkan berat badan 10 kilogram
*puasa senen kamis
*sholat tahajud diperbanyak
*belajar bahasa mandarin
*punya satu properti dalam bentk rumah
*punya mobil (maklum masih biker)

*Berlibur ke luar negeri
*Membantu biaya sekolah buat adik/sepupu/ dari keluarga dekat
*Menghajikan/umroh orang tua dan mertua

*Bikin perpustakaan buat anak-anak dilengkapi jaringan internet.
*sebulan sekali tanam satu pohon

Ya Allah mudahkan segala urusan hambamu yang dhaif ini... dan wujudkanlah mimpi-mimpi kami.Amin